Friday, January 29, 2010

A Safe Defensive Driving Technique For Everyone

The Benefits of Learning a Defensive Driving Technique

Automobile accidents cause thousands of deaths and millions of injuries every year. The best way to ensure the safety of yourself, your passengers, and other drivers on the road is by learning a popular defensive driving technique.

There are a large number of successful defensive driving techniques to help ensure the safety of all individuals on the road. Being alert while driving is the important defensive driving technique and is connected with all of the others. This means being fully aware of what is going on around you. All too often, drivers concentrate on other objects besides the road. Examples of such distractions are:

• cell phones
• car radios
• applying makeup
• other passengers

Some areas of the United States and other countries have already banned, or are enacting legistlation to ban, the use of cellular phones when driving. Cellular phones are often held with one hand while the remaining free hand is used for driving. Driving with one hand is not the main cause of an automobile accident, but talking on the phone that is the problem. Many individuals are unable to talk on the phone and to concentrate fully on their surroundings while driving.For instance, an approaching vehicle could swerve into the lane of a driver who is talking on a cell phone, and they would probably not have enough time to process and to react to the situation. There are many drivers on the road, with our without cell phones, who would be unable to maneuver their vehicle around an unexpected obstacle. For this reason, staying aware and alert is a the most popular defensive driving technique.

The defensive driving technique of vigilance also involves looking out for debris on the road. Although the majority of roads are safe to travel, sometimes harmful debris can end up on the roadway. A driver of large truck hauling construction equipment could have inadvertently dropped debris. If the driver was unaware that debris fell from his or her vehicle, they will likely keep on moving and the debris will be left on the road. Whether a vehicle hits an object traveling at ten miles an hour or sixty miles an hour, damage is likely to occur. A lucky situation would involve only damage to the vehicle; debris on the roadway can cause vehicles to spin out of control or even to flip over, potentially causing injury to the driver or other passengers.

Animals and people on the road or along the side of the road are often a concern for drivers. This. once again, is another reason why being aware of your surroundings is a successful defensive driving technique. Walkers or joggers alongside the road pose a potential hazard, since the slightest nudge of a vehicle can seriously injure a pedestrian. Depending on the location, many roads have crossways for domesticated or wild animals. It is not uncommon for dogs, cats, squirrels, skunks, or deer to run out in the middle of the road unexpectedly. Although it may be impossible to avoid striking a wild animal, being alert will significantly reduce the risk.

Staying alert and aware of your surroundings is a defensive driving technique that requires little effort. Staying alert is something that should be done regardless of your situation when driving. Popular defensive driving techniques are designed to keep all individuals on the road safe. In addition to preventing injury, applying a defensive driving technique is likely to save you money in the long run. Insurance rates increase with every ticket or automobile accident. Learn a defensive driving technique and see the benefits of being careful.

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